Dede Wira Trise Putra, M.Kom

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Lecturer ID – 1025019003

Research Interests

  • Human Computer Interaction
  • Software Engineering

Research Profile

My research integrated on the field of software engineering. Software engineering has considerably wide areas. In the field of this research, there will be some parts that will be filled. The purpose of my research is closely related to how an application is built and how to evaluate the system. The research related to several scopes which are: 1) Analysis and design of an application that has related to user friendly and usable user. 2) Develop  applications associated with an information system, decision support systems and data mining 3) Evaluation phase of an application using many methods to make sure an application has functioned as its purposed.

Research Group – Software Engineering and Human Computer Interaction (SE-HaCi)


  • M.Kom. (Information System), UPI “YPTK” Padang, Indonesia (2015)
  • S.Kom. (Information System), UPI “YPTK” Padang, Indonesia (2013)


  • Wira Trise Putra, Dede., & Epriyanto. M. (2017). Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Pemilihan Sepeda Motor Jenis Sport 150cc Berbasis Web Menggunakan Metode Analytical Hierarcy Process (AHP) . Jurnal TeknoIf ISSN : 2338-2724 5(2).
  • Syahrani, Anna., Wira Trise Putra, Dede., & Rahma, Aulia. (2017). Perancangan Aplikasi ARmaps Berdasarkan Real Environment dan Real World Camera View untuk Visualisasi Penunjuk Arah. SNATI Proceeding.
  • Wira Trise Putra, Dede., & Kadris. (2016). Sistem Informasi Geografis Pemetaan Sarana dan Prasarana Departemen Agama Kota Sungai Penuh Berbasis Web. Jurnal TeknoIf ISSN : 2338-2724 4(2).
  • Wira Trise Putra, Dede., (2016). Algoritma C4.5 Untuk Menentukan Tingkat Kelayakan Motor Bekas yang akan Dijual. Jurnal TeknoIf ISSN : 2338-2724 4(1).


  • ITP Research Grant 2017.

Course Taughts

  • Software Engineering
  • Algorithm and Data Structure
  • Basic Programming